..setiap nafas ini, terpesan pada-Mu ya Allah, jangan pernah tinggalkan diriku..
Friday, January 29, 2010
dgn membawa tajuk 'does GOD exist according to modern science?' speaker: Shah Kirit Kakula govindji,.
alhamdulillah, nampaknya mcm dpt sambutan, penuh kut..oleh sbb kami dtg agak lewat,hee,maka masuklah kami ngan terpinga2..hehe
masuk2 saja speaker dah terangkan tentang photon yg wujud namun ada didimensi lain..mcm mana tu???hmm tentang photon nie sye x dpt nak jelaskan..mule2nye agak blur gak, tp lepas tu faham tp dgn kefahaman sye sendiri..utk menerangkan kembali tidak mampu asenye..maaf
namun ade beberapa crite yg menarik ase tuk dikongsi..
1st tentang seorg guru thesist(doesn't believe in god) & muridnya..lebih kurang beginilah critenye,
he teach primary one student, one day he was thinking about how can he influence the student, then he get an idea..when he enter the class, he face the student..he take a pen then ask the children, "children, can u see the pen?"
"yes teacher, we can see the pen"
"children, does the pen exist?, yes or no"
"yes teacher, the pen exist"
then she throw the pen away then come back to the children & ask,
"children, can you see the pen?"
"no teacher, we can not see the pen"
"does the pen exist?"
"no teacher, the pen does not exist"
...good, then the teacher ask,
" children, can you see God?"
"no teacher, we can not see d God"
"does God exist"
"no teacher, God does not exist"
good,the teacher was smiling, but among the children, there 1 child, very intelligent
he said "teacher, can i say something?"
"yes, come here, say what you want"
then, this child come to the front & stand beside the teacher & address the class
"friend, can you see the teacher?"
then the other children reply "yes we can see the teacher"
"does the teacher exist or not?"
"yes the teacher exist"
"friends, look at him, can you see the teacher's brain"
"no, we can not see the teacher's brain"
"does the teacher has brain"
2nd about the creator and the creater,
"assume, i am the creator of the pen"
"im manufacture the pen, im made the pen"
"im the creator of the pen"
"then, who the creator?"
"what is the creation?"
"the pen"
"now, can the pen see me?"
"no, the pen can not see me"
"why?, why the pen can not see me?"
"because , when i make the pen, i make the pen without the sensor to see me"
"the pen can not see me"
"but do I exist?"
"can I see the pen?"
"but can the pen see me?"
"can God see us?"
"can we see God?"
"why? because God created us without a sense to see God"
"just because the pen can not see me, does not mean im not exist"
3rd pasal monalisa n leonardo d Vinci
"who paint monalisa?"
"leonardo da Vinci"
"did you ever see him?"
"but you believe leonardo d Vinci exist"
"see the monalisa, he painted the monalisa"
"that the prove that leonardo is exist"
"does God exist?"
"then the prove is HE painted the universe, and we are the potrait created by God"
byk ag perkongsian yg dpt dri speaker shah kirit, terutamanye tentang bagaimana science itu membuktikan kebenaran Al-Quran & ilmu didalamnya mendahului zaman.. melalui ilmu science spti shape of earth, mountain as pegs, orbit of sun & moon, sun rotates on its axis, the different fingerprint, embriology..etc..semuanya sudah dberitahu dalam Al-quran 1400 tahun yg lalu...AllahuAkbar
insyaAllah, friendly discussion ini bersiri,,akan ada ag 3siri dalam bulan 2 n 3 ini...speaker yg sama juga..insyaAllah jika tiada aral yg melintang, akan pegi ag..
Malam Keputusan PRK
habis saja diskusi itu, sempat jua lah kami ke DTC,,juz nak taw keadaan, alang2 dah dekat kan...
apa yg kami dapat, nampak & terlihat..??? tutttttttt
no comment,..^_^ terlalu byk konspirasi, Allah jua yg membolak balikkan hati manusia,. jd walau apa pun keputusannya, harap barisan baru mpmum dpt bertugas ngan baiknya ^_^V...menjaga kebajikan kami mahasiswa/i um..insyaAllah..pastinya kami mahukan barisan pemimpin ini adalah mereka yg hatinya bertaut dgn Illahi, supaya segala gerak kerjanya tidak lari dgn landasanNya..insyaAllah..
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
last lab
..crystal, done by me ^_^..
Monday, January 25, 2010
yee ramai pulak yg bertanya bile sye nak update blog..terutamanya kakak kecik tu..hehe
ye fatin,,terima kasih kerana mengingatkan,,kadang2 lupe pulak ada blog kan hua3..
insyaAllah bg sye settlekan sume xperiment dulu,,lepas nie ika akan ada byk sket mase free tuk mengadap laptop & mengupdatekan diri..insyaAllah
hmm sepanjang jarang2 jenguk blog nie, byk post2 rakan2 yg sye x tbace..terutamanya blog sa yg dah tukar url tu ye..(^_^). sa, aku ske bace blog ko, kelakar, aku nie tuk tergelak sorang je, mmg lepas nie kalu ase2 nak jd gilo sket dok ketawa sorang2, blog ko la aku jenguk hua3..tp td x terbace sume, t ye aku dtg ag...
hoo esok lah last xperiment organic 6jam kami..fuhh lega ase, alhamdulillah...tp t minggu 9 n 10 ade ag lab 4 math chem, tp yg itu 3jam saje n juz 2 minggu je..wahh sukenya ^_^V,,
hmm tuk xperiment esok, cube teka kami nak buat apa??? haaa nak tahu, next post k..hua3 gelak jahat..
p.s sukenya wat xperiment,sbb macam2 mende baru leyh blaja, macam2 bahan2 kami leyh wat, n macam2 jugak la bau bahan2 kimia yg kami hirup hua3
Saturday, January 16, 2010
dunia kita kini
Sunday, January 10, 2010
63 + 58
'hepy bezday mak n abah, moga hidup diredhaiNYA selalu..moga sentiase bahagia la keluarga kami
hoo 1 more thing sye nak sentuh...tentang hak anda..sejak mendengar usrah kak saie, sye mule sedar hak2 yg perlu kte jage,,actually tanpa kte sedari banyak hak-hak kte yg sewenang-wenangnya diambil..yg ini kte kene kaji semula...walaupun tidak banyak yg saye sedari, namun sikit yg sye tahu ini akan sye pertahankan insyaAllah..kelemahan manusia sekarang juz let it go hak-hak mereka..menganggap ia tidak mengapa..mulai dri dpt kesedaran ini, sye akan sedaya upaya mempertahankan apa sahaja, walau dlm bentuk ape sekali pun, hak-hak yg sepatutnye menjadi hak sye...kadang2 dalam mempertahankan hak nie, kawan boleh jadi lawan..wallahu'alam, Allah jua yg membolak-balikkan hati ini..& insyaAllah sye akan turut menjaga hak-hak anda..sometimes kite x sedar bahawa kte mencerobohi hak org,,,justeru itu,luahkan lah ape2 yg anda x puas hati dgn saye supaya dpt sye berubah,,insyaAllah
Friday, January 1, 2010
hari nie cuti tahun baru, ape yg aku wat kat cnie haha..memandang x ade mende sgt nak stadi n kuliah pun baru seminggu bermula..& memandangkan plan nak kuar ngan fatin n azie pun cancel..huu rindunye nak jumpe mereka so, ari nie duk layan 'ketika cinta bertasbih'..best sgt...lpas nie continue bace novel yg kedua sambil2 mencari d 2nd movie..

Jika ternyata takdirnya kalian memang akan bersatu dan bertemu, maka Allahlah yang akan mengatur semuanya. Apa bangganya kita mendapatkan cinta dari orang yang kita damba, namun kita kehilangan cinta Allah 'Azza wa Jalla. Apa bangganya?
& memandangkan juge ptg agak x taw nak wat ape, ape lg g join joging petang...mulenye nak g mengeliling um, last2 g joging ke pasar kerinchi...hua2 boleyh ape, sambil menyelam minum air..haha tp hakikatnye saye hanye berjalan bsama kaksariah n ain..dayah n mieza je semangat joging..kui3... penat gak kut, jauh jugak kut... tp puas hati, lepas geram x dapt kuar ari nie, g joging pun jd la mhirup udara yg bdebu d kl nie ngeee~~
malam pule ngan relexnye, g sambung gokusen special jap yg tsangkut mlm td sbb ngantok sudah...thanks mieza 4 d gokusen2 n special...
hooo tahun baru, mesti ade azam baru ke..depend pd korang la..kejayaan yg korang akan dpt t tu utk korang, bukan utk aku, jd decide it by urself k..& bg aku azam stadi aku yg paling baru dah bmule sejak dpt result ari tu...arghhh frustrated gler,sikit je ag & azam aku hanye 1 je tuk sem ni, wlu ape pun yg terjadi..aku nak naekkan pointer...naikkan pointer & naikkan pointer..jd lepas nie jgn persoalkan ape yg akan aku buat pd waktu2 aku...dont ever...
i maybe can not change my future, but i can change my habits. & sure my habits will change my future..im seriously will go for it...insyaAllah..gambatte